Compromise is often seen as a silver bullet for the problems plaguing modern politics. If only our politicians were less confrontational and better at negotiating compromises, we are told, much of the rancor characterizing contemporary political discourse would disappear. For this reason, many observers on both left and right defend the filibuster, a Senate procedure […]
The True Narrative of an Exhausted Veteran of the American History Wars

Politicians and media personalities have undertaken a massive campaign to censor a giant swathe of our African American History. They have a specific target—the New York Times’ imperfect but provocative 1619 Project—and a general one: Critical Race Theory (CRT). As originally worked out in some of the nation’s top law schools, CRT probed the persistence […]
James Madison, “Father of the Constitution”

First, I wish to commend Starting Points Journal for launching their symposium on James Madison, especially the pieces challenging his informal title as “Father of the Constitution.” This subject is vitally important, and the selection of two such outstanding scholars as Sanford Levinson and Alan Gibson to lead off the discussion, highlights the crucial nature of the topic. I believe most […]
Why We Remember Jefferson and Not Madison

Scholars are wont to paint antipodally Jefferson and Madison, and for good reasons. Most depictions show, in effect, that by psychological disposition, Madison was better suited to be a Hamiltonian Federalist than a Jeffersonian Republican. I offer a few illustrations. Merrill D. Peterson, in his Thomas Jefferson and the New Nation, states that Madison had […]
The (Un)Written Constitution

“The use of words is to express ideas . . . But no language is so copious as to supply words and phrases for every complex idea, or so correct as not to include many equivocally denoting different ideas.” – James Madison, Federalist 37 Conservative originalists like the late Justice Antonin Scalia relish pointing to […]
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