A deadly virus suddenly claims thousands of lives. People cover their mouths with makeshift masks in a bid to avoid exposure. Anxious officials look for buildings to repurpose into provisional hospitals to accommodate the sudden surge of patients. Doctors on the front lines fall ill themselves; a number of these brave physicians lose their lives. Some commentators blame foreigners for […]
The Pandemic Dialogues: The Plague Pt. II

Plagues have occurred throughout recorded history and strained the fabric of civil societies, yet they don’t break them irreparably. They also have provoked philosophers and poets to understand larger questions raised by such trauma. This podcast includes opportunities for similar discussion by focusing on passages from Albert Camus’ The Plague. School of Civic and […]
Walter Lippmann, Authority, and American Constitutionalism

We all have heard the phrase “constitutional crisis” used to describe the present political strife over the interpretation of our founding documents. While one might understandably see these disagreements as a contemporary issue, such crises are hardly new. Opposing interpretations of our constitution reflect America’s perennial problem with authority, that age-old menace to man’s ambition […]
The Pandemic Dialogues: The Plague Pt. I

Plagues have occurred throughout recorded history and strained the fabric of civil societies, yet they don’t break them irreparably. They also have provoked philosophers and poets to understand larger questions raised by such trauma. This podcast includes opportunities for similar discussion by focusing on passages from Albert Camus’ The Plague. School of Civic and […]
Against Political Equality: Author Interview with Tongdong Bai
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