As professors and students valiantly adapt to the virtualization of campus life, administrative pressures to expand online learning will likely intensify once the COVID-19 crisis abates. Of course, we need to make the best of our sub-optimal circumstances and embrace online learning during these strange times. However, its utility during the crisis does not prove […]
The Pandemic Dialogues: The Plague Pt. IV

Plagues have occurred throughout recorded history and strained the fabric of civil societies, yet they don’t break them irreparably. They also have provoked philosophers and poets to understand larger questions raised by such trauma. This podcast includes opportunities for similar discussion by focusing on passages from Albert Camus’ The Plague. School of Civic and […]
The System of Natural Liberty, Revisited

The perennial vilification of ever-sinister capitalism by progressives in the academy and the media, who in turn extol the virtues of utopian socialism, has led to a war not so much of ideas as of expletives. Before the accumulated debris of connotations all but obliterates rational discourse, a conceptual reboot must be performed before the […]
Media Censorship During World War II

Media censorship is a hot topic in the modern information landscape. Countless sources – in what some might deem a digitiocracy – continually test the ideas of freedom of the press and freedom of expression. Net neutrality, which halted servers from barring access to various webpages from users, has been repealed by the Federal Communications […]
The Pandemic Dialogues: The Plague Pt. III

Plagues have occurred throughout recorded history and strained the fabric of civil societies, yet they don’t break them irreparably. They also have provoked philosophers and poets to understand larger questions raised by such trauma. This podcast includes opportunities for similar discussion by focusing on passages from Albert Camus’ The Plague. School of Civic and […]
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